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Featured - Gallery Of Humans

Featured on 22 July 2024 - Interview and clothing designs by Svain from ‘Gallery Of Humans’



"I've always kept the name with me since that dream, I used it as a gamer tag and later as my artist name.

For me, it's a constant reminder of my childhood and how something that was given in a dream can later become reality.”


"Where I grew up, there weren't many kids my age, so most of the time, I had to be entertaining myself. I never felt bad about; on the contrary, I think it really made me into what I am today. My extreme fascination for the skies is something that was born from that mission to keep my mind off feeling boring. I lived in The Netherlands, the land where the horizons are flat, and where the skies have to make up for it.

And these beautiful skies are a huge part of my earliest childhood memories. I could look at those for hours. How the clouds formed, or rolled by. The light development during the day, or the changing of the seasons.”


"They looked like 'He-man' toy figurines and were wearing college wrestling

outfits. One was in blue, the other one in red. They ended on the side of the hole, one on each side. I got to the edoeland before I could have a look I heard a name being shouted from the well. "Salventius" three fimes. Not long after this, I woke up and clearly remembered the dream and this name.

When I was 12, we didn't have the luxury of using Google, so later I did some research and found out that Salventius was the name of someone who lived in ancient Italy.”


"And when realizing this, I was more aware that making my portraits got me more in syne with the now. Allowing my mind to focus and not overthink. Each drawing challenged me to accept and appreciate what's been given to me, by the materials that I used. I started a drawing not knowing where it would end, and everything in between was pure adventure.

This was also the momentum where I started calling them The Ones, upon a time.

Because they are portraits made in one moment, with one try in one line.”


There is this famous French saying 'Enfant Terrible’ (which means: The kid that brings trouble). A theme that pops up every now and then in my current work is 'Enfant Très Libre’. A corruption or word play of the original but this one means "The Free Child'.

That last one, is what I consider myself being when I was 5 years old. I really took pleasure stretching the universal talents that every kid has, a wild imagination and a continuous curiosity.”


"When I was 17 years of age, I found myself with an acute depression. To me, feels like I left childhood and became an adult within one day. Life was suddenly something serious and sad. The worst part was that I couldn't come up with a clear reason why I was depressed. That really made me even more ashamed of feeling how I felt. I was always this positive, joyful, outgoing guy. And because I wasn't too demanding of nature, I had everything I wished for.

Considering myself as mentally ill. That somehow this was proof that I and life weren't a match. As if I have used up all of my best days. Leaving me with this condition and that it was just something that I should sit out until I was old.

This lasted for almost two years. And what made me get out of this was that I finally realized I should look at life being crazy, and it should not be taken so seriously. And from that point on, I allowed myself to enjoy litle things Again.”


"I see the moment as a lost art. And being practicing the art of creating in the moment for such a long time, I can say I little beginning to understand the true value of a moment. People sometimes think you should enjoy the moment when it happens. But that's impossible. The magic of the moment manifests in time

It's the unthought knowing what momentum was of importance. Some call it intuition, pure luck, the universe... The importance is that we acknowledge them, this happens to us all. We should accept this as a fact, so we can be more open to the moments that will be of importance to us, in a momentum with just not know yet. The best things are always still to come.”


"This is still something that is a huge inspiration for my current work. Things will always be changing, no sky will ever be the same. I think that we, as humanity, ‹ should benefit more from the conclusion we experience with this natural phenomenon.

I still have this tangible memory, it is a door from one of the cupboards at my mother's house. On the inside of this door, I created a drawing (without permission). It shows my name written using a continuous line. At the end of the line there was this a stunt plane causing the line by leaving a smoke trail as some stunt planes do. Also something I was fascinated about.”


"I always kept the name with me since that dream. I used it as a gamertag and later as my artist name. For me, it is a constant reminder of my childhood and how something that was given in a dream can later become reality.

When I started creating portraits with one line. I had no purpose or intentions; I just started creating these, and it felt so good. I think it was something to allow myself to get more in the now. In 2016, I leveled up with drawing several portraits every day. Each one of them was from imagination, so no plan, no sketch. Just in one try, in one moment."

Featured on 22 July 2024 - Interview and clothing designs by Svain from ‘Gallery Of Humans’

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